E-commerce: save shipping costs with the right format

E-commerce and sustainability
Today’s customers expect sustainability from companies and providers. This also applies to e-commerce companies that ship goods abroad. But how do you send your consignments as sustainably as possible? On the one hand, by choosing the right format for the consignment and on the other hand the right packaging.
Swiss Post makes this easy for you: it delivers any parcel – regardless of size and weight – to any front door abroad. We’ll show you the options.
Are you interested in becoming an eco-responsible e-commerce? Don't wait any longer and contact us.
PostPac International
Swiss Post guarantees delivery of parcels to over 200 countries worldwide. The following are the characteristics of standard shipments:
- Sizes from 100 x 60 x 60 cm (L x W x H)
- Larger parcels are considered bulky goods. These must be labelled as “Bulky goods” (on the waybill with the note “Encombrant”).
- Maximum weight 30 kg. Some countries have a maximum weight of 20 kg. Find out here: www.swisspost.ch/info-int
- The goods are sent as delivery against signature
- Electronic consignment tracking to countries in Europe, North America and Asia.
- Customs clearance by the local postal company, any costs and duties are borne by the recipient.
- IOSS is possible (IOSS reg. no. on waybill/commercial invoice)
- Automatic liability coverage (insured up to max. CHF 1000)
For larger parcels, a bulky goods surcharge of CHF 15 per parcel is applied. What does “bulky goods” mean? Further details:
- Unpacked consignments
- Consignments with a tag (cases, canisters, etc.)
- Unstackable consignments with a non-standard shape (tyres, baskets, buckets, etc.)
- Roles
- Triangle parcels with a length of over 1 m
Pro tip
With Postpac International, you have the option to choose between two delivery speeds:
- PRIORITY: shorter delivery times (priority handling)
- ECONOMY: non-urgent consignments (low-cost basic service)
Pro tip
With Postpac International, you have the option to choose between two delivery speeds:
- PRIORITY: shorter delivery times (priority handling)
- ECONOMY: non-urgent consignments (low-cost basic service)
Swiss Post GLS
Swiss Post GLS is suitable for sending the following consignments abroad:
- Up to 31.5 kg
- Max. weight 200 x 60 x 80 cm (L x W x H)
- Max. girth 300 cm (L + 2xW + 2xH)
With Swiss Post GLS, you can also send several packages per consignment.
Find out more about Swiss Post GLSURGENT Documents
Do you need to send documents? You can send them quickly and conveniently with the URGENT Business documents courier. What is considered a document?
- Anything written on paper or reproduced in any form, i.e. printed, copied, typed or handwritten.
- Everything that has no goods value
- Weighs up to 5 kg
URGENT goods
Do you need to send goods? It’s easy to send goods abroad with the URGENT Business goods courier.
The following goods weights are defined:
- Up to 30 kg and a maximum size of 100 x 60 x 70 cm (L x W x H): posting and collection at the counter
- Up to 500 kg: posting via TNT Swiss Post GmbH
- As Multiple Parcel Shipment (MPS) in Europe: max. 70 kg per parcel; in other countries: max. 30 kg per parcel. With Swiss Post GLS, you can also send several parcels per consignment.
- Maximum weight in Europe: 240 x 120 x 150 cm (L x W x H), in other countries 100 x 60 x 70 cm.
Find out more about URGENT here.
Do you want to know the maximum weights per country? Simply call: 0800 45 45 45
Discover your savings potential now by adopting the ideal solutions for your sustainable e-commerce.
Pro tip:
How can you effectively protect your consignment from damage, delivery delays and additional costs?
Shipping boxes:
- Choose quality: Instead of used cardboard boxes, choose solid ones that are in perfect condition.
- Choose the right sizes: Too much padding reduces the stacking strength of the boxes, and they can also be crushed.
- Label heavy boxes: TNT can accept boxes weighing up to 70 kg without a pallet. Please label heavy parcels over 23 kg with the note “Heavy Parcel”.
- Seal in an H-shape: Use good-quality adhesive tape and apply it to the top and bottom of the box to make an H shape. Also use strapping band for heavy boxes.
- Label clearly: Remove all old stickers and stick the new label on so that the barcode is smooth and does not protrude over an edge.
- Stack in rows: Rows are stable. Stack cardboard boxes in bricklayer style (overlapping) for even greater stability.
- Pay attention to the pallet size: Boxes must fit on the pallet. Pallets with overhanging boxes cannot be accepted.
- Make sure the surface is level: This ensures resilience, compactness and stacking stability.
- Tie or wrap the parcels: You can use strapping band or stretch film to ensure that objects are firmly attached to the pallet. Also wrap the pallet.
- Label clearly: Bear in mind that pallets are stacked for transport. This means labels must be on the side – not on top!
Pro tip:
How can you effectively protect your consignment from damage, delivery delays and additional costs?
Shipping boxes:
- Choose quality: Instead of used cardboard boxes, choose solid ones that are in perfect condition.
- Choose the right sizes: Too much padding reduces the stacking strength of the boxes, and they can also be crushed.
- Label heavy boxes: TNT can accept boxes weighing up to 70 kg without a pallet. Please label heavy parcels over 23 kg with the note “Heavy Parcel”.
- Seal in an H-shape: Use good-quality adhesive tape and apply it to the top and bottom of the box to make an H shape. Also use strapping band for heavy boxes.
- Label clearly: Remove all old stickers and stick the new label on so that the barcode is smooth and does not protrude over an edge.
- Stack in rows: Rows are stable. Stack cardboard boxes in bricklayer style (overlapping) for even greater stability.
- Pay attention to the pallet size: Boxes must fit on the pallet. Pallets with overhanging boxes cannot be accepted.
- Make sure the surface is level: This ensures resilience, compactness and stacking stability.
- Tie or wrap the parcels: You can use strapping band or stretch film to ensure that objects are firmly attached to the pallet. Also wrap the pallet.
- Label clearly: Bear in mind that pallets are stacked for transport. This means labels must be on the side – not on top!
Individuelle Lösungen für einzigartige Bedürfnisse
Mit der persönlichen Beratung zum optimalen Versand- und Logistiksetup
Bei der Schweizerischen Post verstehen wir, dass jeder Markt seine eigenen, einzigartigen Herausforderungen hat. Deshalb sind wir hier, um Dich beim Export in die Schweiz oder beim Export aus der Schweiz zu unterstützen. Mit unserer umfassenden Erfahrung und unserem massgeschneiderten Ansatz finden wir gemeinsam die optimale Lösung für Dein Versand- und Logistik-Setup.
Warum einen Beratungstermin bei uns buchen?
Massgeschneiderte Lösungen
Umfassende Expertise
Einfacher Prozess
Vertrauenswürdiger Partner
Customised solutions for unique needs
Personalised advice for the optimal shipping and logistics setup
At Swiss Post, we understand that every market has its own unique challenges. That's why we're here to help you export to or from Switzerland. With our extensive experience and customised approach, together we will find the optimal solution for your shipping and logistics setup.
Why book a consultation with us?
- Customised solutions
- Comprehensive expertise
- Simple process
- Trusted partner
Des solutions personnalisées pour des besoins uniques
Un conseil personnalisé pour une configuration optimale de l'expédition et de la logistique
A la Poste Suisse, nous comprenons que chaque marché a ses propres défis uniques. C'est pourquoi nous sommes là pour vous aider à exporter vers la Suisse ou à exporter depuis la Suisse. Grâce à notre vaste expérience et à notre approche sur mesure, nous trouverons ensemble la solution optimale pour votre configuration d'expédition et de logistique.
Pourquoi réserver un rendez-vous de conseil avec nous ?
- Des solutions sur mesure
- Une expertise complète
- Processus simple
- Un partenaire de confiance
Soluzioni personalizzate per esigenze uniche
Consulenza personalizzata per l'impostazione ottimale della spedizione e della logistica
Noi della Posta Svizzera sappiamo che ogni mercato ha le sue sfide uniche. Ecco perché siamo qui per aiutarla ad esportare da o verso la Svizzera. Grazie alla nostra vasta esperienza e all'approccio personalizzato, insieme troveremo la soluzione ottimale per il suo setup di spedizione e logistica.
Perché prenotare una consulenza con noi?
- Soluzioni personalizzate
- Competenza completa
- Processo semplice
- Partner affidabile