Cross Border E-Commerce Blog

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Attention, online retailers! The industrial tariff and VAT review will be applied in Switzerland in 2024

Starting from January 1, 2024, Swiss e-commerce is set to undergo a significant transformation as a vast majority of industrial tariffs become a thing of the past. If you're an international online retailer, you might be wondering what this development means for your business. Let's look into the details here.


VOC tax in Switzerland – what you need to know

It isn’t just coronavirus that’s posing challenges for e-commerce retailers. Swiss customs, too, can be a tricky customer. We’ll explain what the VOC incentive tax is, and where it applies.


Optimise the returns process for Importing Goods to Switzerland

Online merchants understand the impact returns have on e-commerce performance. Here’s a statistic: in Switzerland, when the fashion sector imports goods into Switzerland it has an expected return rate of up to 60%! It’s therefore essential that returns processes are optimised, work efficiently and reduce overall costs.


Swiss customs allowance for fashion retailers - Save costs when exporting to Switzerland

E-commerce merchants in the fashion sector know that Switzerland is an extremely attractive target market. The high purchasing power and expensive prices at home make Swiss people like shopping abroad. In addition, special products and slow movers are often not available locally.


Cross-border e-commerce: opportunities and calculable risks

Everyone is talking about cross-border e-commerce. Business without borders, growth without end – “the sky is the limit”, so to speak. It’s true: cross-border e-commerce is more topical than ever and offers almost unlimited opportunities.


Minimise customs duties and increase customer satisfaction with Swiss Post

"Customers are only satisfied when they get the goods quickly and without fuss."


Solution of export, DDP logistics for international traders

"Our biggest challenges for a successful export to Switzerland were import restrictions, cost-efficient processes and functioning DDP logistics.”


International e-commerce shipping simplified with Swiss Post

"The only questions that come up in our service center come from customers who can't believe that all fees are actually paid with the payment of the order."


Incoterms DDP and DAP

In cross-border e-commerce, the customs clearance Incoterms DDP and DAP are often referred to, but what do they actually mean, and why are they so important for you as an online retailer? We'll give you the lowdown! We’ll also explain why you can sell even more with DDP. Intrigued? Then keep reading!