Sustainable shipping abroad with "pro clima" from Swiss Post

Environmentally friendly delivery with Swiss Post
When it comes to reducing its carbon footprint, promoting renewable energies and improving energy efficiency, Swiss Post does more than just pay lip service: around half of the vehicle fleet already uses alternative drives. In addition, by 2025 parcel deliveries in Swiss cities will be carried out by electric vehicles. Remaining emissions will be offset in full and with no price increases for customers.
Make an appointment now to discuss this further during a consultation with one of our specialists.
We demonstrate our commitment to the environment with “pro clima” shipping as standard
Today’s consumers expect sustainability. Especially when shopping online. They are very attuned to attempts at “greenwashing” and soon see through deceptive marketing. With Swiss Post, you are choosing real sustainability:
- With “pro clima” shipping from Swiss Post, you benefit from truly sustainable delivery of all consignments at home and abroad.
- You can use the “pro clima” label for your communication (conditions of use and further information here)
- There is no price increase for you as a customer. Swiss Post bears all costs incurred for “pro clima” shipping.
Carbon-offset shipping: from A to Z
“Pro clima” shipping applies without exception to all items sent by Swiss Post. That means for letters, parcels, small consignments and press products to Switzerland and abroad. You can count on it.
Carbon neutral or carbon offset: what’s the difference?
Previously, companies, products and services have been described as “climate neutral” if their carbon emissions were offset. However, new international definitions stipulate that “climate neutral” only applies if carbon emissions are reduced as much as possible while the remaining emissions are neutralized.
Neutralizing carbon emissions means removing the remaining carbon emissions from the atmosphere. This is achieved by supporting carbon removal projects. Swiss Post is planning to implement this approach by 2030. When these goals are achieved, from 2030 onwards, Swiss Post will send its consignments in a “climate-neutral” manner. Until then, it will support CO₂ climate projects Find out more about the climate projects here.
Discover our white paper for practical tips and tricks for environmentally conscious shipping. We show you the impact of your packaging on sustainability and how you can implement sustainable logistics with our measures. Be part of the sustainability movement and get our whitepaper for a greener future now!
Shipping and packaging: hand in hand for sustainability
Shipping your goods is one factor when it comes to sustainability. Packaging is the other – because it plays a major role in e-commerce. And your customers are right to keep an eye on what ends up on their doorstep.
In a survey conducted by Nosto in 2019, fashion customers stated that they would prefer to receive less packaging with the fashion items they order. And what’s true for the fashion industry is also very important in other sectors. According to the IPC cross border e-commerce shopper survey, 47% of all customers want recyclable packaging.
This means that as an online retailer, you should think about what packaging you use. This is where the three Rs come into play: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
- Reduce packaging material (packaging as small as possible and as large as necessary)
- Reuse packaging material
- Recycle packaging material
Pro tip
Make sure you also pay attention to the filling material you use in your packaging. Find out more about sustainable packaging in our blog.
Pro tip
Make sure you also pay attention to the filling material you use in your packaging. Find out more about sustainable packaging in our blog.
Making your online shop sustainable
In addition to production and production locations, there are other ways to make your online shop environmentally friendly. Our blog, Making your online shop sustainable, contains a list of useful tricks and tips.
Individuelle Lösungen für einzigartige Bedürfnisse
Mit der persönlichen Beratung zum optimalen Versand- und Logistiksetup
Bei der Schweizerischen Post verstehen wir, dass jeder Markt seine eigenen, einzigartigen Herausforderungen hat. Deshalb sind wir hier, um Dich beim Export in die Schweiz oder beim Export aus der Schweiz zu unterstützen. Mit unserer umfassenden Erfahrung und unserem massgeschneiderten Ansatz finden wir gemeinsam die optimale Lösung für Dein Versand- und Logistik-Setup.
Warum einen Beratungstermin bei uns buchen?
Massgeschneiderte Lösungen
Umfassende Expertise
Einfacher Prozess
Vertrauenswürdiger Partner
Customised solutions for unique needs
Personalised advice for the optimal shipping and logistics setup
At Swiss Post, we understand that every market has its own unique challenges. That's why we're here to help you export to or from Switzerland. With our extensive experience and customised approach, together we will find the optimal solution for your shipping and logistics setup.
Why book a consultation with us?
- Customised solutions
- Comprehensive expertise
- Simple process
- Trusted partner
Des solutions personnalisées pour des besoins uniques
Un conseil personnalisé pour une configuration optimale de l'expédition et de la logistique
A la Poste Suisse, nous comprenons que chaque marché a ses propres défis uniques. C'est pourquoi nous sommes là pour vous aider à exporter vers la Suisse ou à exporter depuis la Suisse. Grâce à notre vaste expérience et à notre approche sur mesure, nous trouverons ensemble la solution optimale pour votre configuration d'expédition et de logistique.
Pourquoi réserver un rendez-vous de conseil avec nous ?
- Des solutions sur mesure
- Une expertise complète
- Processus simple
- Un partenaire de confiance
Soluzioni personalizzate per esigenze uniche
Consulenza personalizzata per l'impostazione ottimale della spedizione e della logistica
Noi della Posta Svizzera sappiamo che ogni mercato ha le sue sfide uniche. Ecco perché siamo qui per aiutarla ad esportare da o verso la Svizzera. Grazie alla nostra vasta esperienza e all'approccio personalizzato, insieme troveremo la soluzione ottimale per il suo setup di spedizione e logistica.
Perché prenotare una consulenza con noi?
- Soluzioni personalizzate
- Competenza completa
- Processo semplice
- Partner affidabile