Save shipping costs with the right mailing channel

Choose the right channel
If the goods are small enough, you don’t have to send them as a large parcel – just send them as a letter. What counts as “small enough”? We’re not just talking about mobile phone cases or memory sticks – two pairs of trainers are completely OK. How is this possible? Not all letters are the same. International letters can cover completely different formats, weights and sizes compared to the domestic letter channel.
So if you sell to cross-border customers in Switzerland, you should consider sending an international letter instead of a parcel. Provided the goods do not exceed the maximum size, this is no problem at all.
Most online retailers don’t even know that this is possible. This gives you the opportunity to get ahead of the competition and save money – you just have to know how. Find out here!
Would you like to save on shipping costs? Then arrange your non-binding consultation now.
Optimize your use of the letter channel
80% of international e-commerce consignments to Switzerland fit the letter channel! So why do so few online retailers use it? Because they don’t know the details.
Domestic letters are subject to relatively strict restrictions: they must be a maximum of 2 cm thick and weigh no more than 500 grams. Understandably, this makes them an unattractive option for online shoppers.
It’s completely different for international letters. There are two different options, that you just need to know how to use effectively!
N format: allows up to 2 kg and a total edge length of 90 cm. You calculate the maximum total edge length by adding together the length, width and height. If this is 90 cm or less, the item can be posted as an international letter. You can easily post two pairs of trainers, for example! It’s also nice that the N format is 20% cheaper than a parcel. You also get free Saturday delivery, all with a fully electric delivery fleet.
At up to 60% cheaper than a parcel, B format is even better. This format can only be a maximum of 3 cm thick, but it can weigh up to 2 kg. This is particularly interesting for fashion retailers: thin shirts, underwear or tops can easily be sent as a letter.
Of course, you can’t send everything to Switzerland as a letter. But the more goods you send as international letters, the greater your savings!
Mailbox Plus gives you flexibility
Of course, the letter channel has its limitations. Depending on what you’re selling, you will still want to send larger parcels to your customers. But you shouldn’t always do it just because it’s more convenient.
Of course, it’s easier to use a single process because you don’t have to think about anything else. Put it all in a parcel and send it off to the customer – but does it make sense to do that when the letter channel is often cheaper and more sustainable?
The answer is clear. What if your goods could always be sent via the appropriate channel without having to hire different shipping partners? Get the flexible solution from Mailbox Plus: this allows you to send all sizes and formats using the same process.
You don't have to worry about a thing and can sleep easy in the knowledge that your goods – whether parcel or letter – will always be sent using the right packaging. This massively saves on shipping costs and is also better for the environment.
The overwhelming majority of online retailers behave as shown in the illustration on the right – using packages that are far too big for relatively small products. Stand out from the competition with more intelligent mailing choices!
Individuelle Lösungen für einzigartige Bedürfnisse
Mit der persönlichen Beratung zum optimalen Versand- und Logistiksetup
Bei der Schweizerischen Post verstehen wir, dass jeder Markt seine eigenen, einzigartigen Herausforderungen hat. Deshalb sind wir hier, um Dich beim Export in die Schweiz oder beim Export aus der Schweiz zu unterstützen. Mit unserer umfassenden Erfahrung und unserem massgeschneiderten Ansatz finden wir gemeinsam die optimale Lösung für Dein Versand- und Logistik-Setup.
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Customised solutions for unique needs
Personalised advice for the optimal shipping and logistics setup
At Swiss Post, we understand that every market has its own unique challenges. That's why we're here to help you export to or from Switzerland. With our extensive experience and customised approach, together we will find the optimal solution for your shipping and logistics setup.
Why book a consultation with us?
- Customised solutions
- Comprehensive expertise
- Simple process
- Trusted partner
Des solutions personnalisées pour des besoins uniques
Un conseil personnalisé pour une configuration optimale de l'expédition et de la logistique
A la Poste Suisse, nous comprenons que chaque marché a ses propres défis uniques. C'est pourquoi nous sommes là pour vous aider à exporter vers la Suisse ou à exporter depuis la Suisse. Grâce à notre vaste expérience et à notre approche sur mesure, nous trouverons ensemble la solution optimale pour votre configuration d'expédition et de logistique.
Pourquoi réserver un rendez-vous de conseil avec nous ?
- Des solutions sur mesure
- Une expertise complète
- Processus simple
- Un partenaire de confiance
Soluzioni personalizzate per esigenze uniche
Consulenza personalizzata per l'impostazione ottimale della spedizione e della logistica
Noi della Posta Svizzera sappiamo che ogni mercato ha le sue sfide uniche. Ecco perché siamo qui per aiutarla ad esportare da o verso la Svizzera. Grazie alla nostra vasta esperienza e all'approccio personalizzato, insieme troveremo la soluzione ottimale per il suo setup di spedizione e logistica.
Perché prenotare una consulenza con noi?
- Soluzioni personalizzate
- Competenza completa
- Processo semplice
- Partner affidabile